I guess I should start with an introduction. My name is Pancake. For months I have seen you around. If I said I saw you a lot, it would be a lie. I only see you a few times a week for brief moments. Usually our interaction lasts less than a minute. A good morning perhaps. Maybe, have a nice day. Not much more than that. I'd like to ask your name, and take you to lunch. Just to get to know you a little bit better. You see, for those brief moments of my week, those few and far between moments, that I see you, they brighten my day.
When I'm preparing for my day just in case you see me, I comb my hair. Just in case we speak, I brush my teeth. But when we do meet, and finally have the chance to speak, I'm usually holding my breath. Not because you stink. Because I'm afraid to speak. You see, for those brief moments of my week, those few and far between moments, that we meet, I feel complete.
In a few months, you see, I'm going on my way. I only have a few more weeks. I probably should just ask you on a date. But every time I look at you, my mind goes blank. All I could say would be something like: you're awfully beautiful today. And I'm afraid you'll take it the wrong way.
I'm not following you around all day. Maybe I pray to see you on more than one day. But I'm not lurking in the shadows. So you see, all I really want is to introduce myself one day. Unfortunately, those moments, those few and fare between moments, are not here to stay.
So Mail Room Girl, to conclude what I've been trying to say. Have a nice day.
Zac, I love it! :) this makes me happy!
DO IT. I dare you to do it before class on wed. i'll expect a report.
this is you!
Dear Pancakes, I really was flattered by your letter, I just Wish I had gotten to know you sooner because by the looks of it neither of us will have the opportunity to have our small chat every once in a while. Well let me tell you a little about myself: I have studied for two years at BYU but will be transfering this next fall to pursue my career of interior architecture. I no longer work at mail services sadly. And at this moment I am writing you from Thailand where I have come to serve for a bit of the summer. Well pancakes I'm glad I wa finally able to formally introduce myself, good luck with your writing, I can tell you really enjoy it. Sincerely, Brandalyn, -mail room girl
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