Thursday, February 28, 2008


Ouch. I'm currently on an intramural basketball team. It reminds me of my old church team. Maybe that is because it is my friends ward team. We are clearly awful. Our second half average is 7 points. I wish I could just blame my team. Unfortunately I can't dribble. When I dribble its like I'm handing the other team the ball. At best my shooting is streaky, when its at its worst it is nonexistent. The upside of my game is defense. Because of experience in other sports (mainly lacrosse) I can play pretty good defense. In my last game I even blocked a guy 4 or 5 inches taller. It wasn't just any block. I trapped the ball on the backboard. It even surprised me that I accomplished that block without fouling. The thing is as awful as I am, I'm easily one of the more consistent, reliable players on the team. Ouch.

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