This week we went on a Holiday. First we went to Scotland. Although there were many memories made and a few lost in Edinburgh I am going to focus on York. After two whole days in Scotland we left by train to stay in York, England.
Because of cheaper prices our train arrived early in the morning. We walked to our hostel and dropped off our bags. Then we walked the twenty or so minutes into the York city center. Kaleb and I found ourselves in the company of a few young women from our program. (Not imposters, dating isn't allowed). We had an enjoyable morning galavanting about with these young women. Then they decided that they wanted to visit a church meeting in the York Minster. (minster means church). Kaleb and opted not to commune with god, instead we went in search of toilets. But not before we made plans to meet up with the women folk at a store. Needless to say we were abandoned. So for the rest of the day Kaleb and I roamed around York with a few things in mind. Firstly we didn't want to get shanked (stabbed by a local and left in the gutter). Secondly find someone or anyone from our group. Thirdly find something to eat. We only succeeded in one of our goals. Luckily we didn't get shanked. And the rest of our adventure will remain unknown because of a few reasons. I hope I wetted your appetite and now I'm leaving you wanting a meat pie.
Good bye.
16 years ago
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